First time I tried gfuel and I'm very satisfied! I bought this and Divine Peach together and thought they tasted really good! This flavor is quite sweet, it's not sour but tastes sour if that makes sense lol so it's good if you have a sweet tooth. :) A bit like someone else said, it tastes mostly like grapes and a bit like nerds, but you also taste raspberries. I really like the taste of sour grapes and sweet things, so this was just another plus for me! As someone who doesn't like the taste of sugar-free drinks, I was incredibly shocked at how much I enjoyed it. You still taste it in the aftertaste, but only barely. One thing to watch out for is to always shake the cup before drinking, as a white, chalk-like coating will settle at the bottom, and the last few sips will not be good. Feels like drinking soft chalk that tastes incredibly strong, so remember to shake! Other than that, I am very happy with the purchase and the customer service! :))